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Where children have fun, learning

Learning about different cultures Downend Road

As part of our learning and development at Downend Road the children have been learning about different cultures and traditions in different countries and languages. Our lovely staff member Luma is from Bangladesh and bought in some of her hijabs for the children to try on and experience. Luma talked to the children explaining her culture, which the children were able to ask lots of questions and were able to understand that some things are different to others, making them unique. Pre-school then shared their traditions and home life, creating lovely open-ended conversations of sharing experiences that are personal and unique to them. Our children show a lovely open-minded attitude towards each other and are respectful and welcoming, we are very proud to have such a lovely inclusive energy in our setting.

We have also introduced language of the month in which parents and carers can get involved with specific language activities, traditions and celebrations of this language. This month’s language is Turkish, if you would like to join in any of our Turkish activities or would like to bring something in to share we would love you to come and join us!