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Why Get A Level 3 Childcare Qualification?

25.06.24 -

Why Get A Level 3 Childcare Qualification?

Nursery schools play a crucial role in early childhood education by providing care and development for children under five years old. To ensure that nurseries and childcare providers operate effectively there must be individuals with level three childcare qualifications working within them. The importance of having skilled professionals cannot be overstated when it comes to promoting positive outcomes for young children. With proper guidance from knowledgeable educators nurseries can foster healthy growth and development among their children while preparing them for school and their future academic success.

Childcare practitioners must hold at least a level 2 qualification to work in this sector. However, some nurseries require their staff members to have completed a level three course instead. There are Level 3 childcare apprenticeship options available that help you get work experience while you are learning. Mama Bears offers Level 3 apprenticeship roles in their nurseries in the South West and if you are looking to develop a career in childcare they have lots of opportunities available. 

Mama Bear's takes its responsibility as an employer very seriously. We are proud to foster an exciting work environment that not only benefits the children we care for but also our employees.

We recognise that each of our employees has goals that they want to achieve, whether it is career advancement, stable employment, or simply being a part of a successful team. Many of our senior roles are filled through internal promotions, and we offer ongoing training opportunities.

It is critical to us that all of our nurseries maintain their individualism and develop their distinct personalities, as this is what distinguishes them but along with this, we all benefit from shared company-wide policies that have been developed over time. At Mama Bear's, we value our employees' opinions and give them a voice.

If you are looking for a job in childcare, we have several openings, including Nursery Managers, Nursery Assistants, Early Years Practitioners, Early Years Educators, Part Time Nursery Jobs, and more. You can see our full list of nursery opportunities here.

Are you Thinking About a Career in Childcare?

Could you inspire our children to have big dreams?

Do you have the enthusiasm and commitment to accompany them on this critical journey?

Are you dedicated to offering the very best childcare?

It is a privilege to be a part of a child's early development and our childcare apprenticeship roles are challenging, rewarding, and enjoyable. Our experienced Mama Bear’s Day Nursery and preschool teams will support you on your career journey with us and we would love for you to be part of our team.

An apprenticeship with us allows you to earn a recognised childcare qualification while working in a nursery and learning all of the practical skills and knowledge required to become a successful childcare practitioner.

You will work alongside trained practitioners in the setting, and you will be supported and mentored to ensure that you reach your full potential and become the best practitioner possible. The nursery's management team will support you every step of the way, as will a local training provider who will visit the setting to meet and assess your progress.

You do not need any prior experience to apply to work as an apprentice; the requirements are:

  • Aged 17+
  • Not in full-time education/any other funded training
  • A UK resident for the past 3-years

Send us your CV here and one of our team will be in contact to let you know what exciting apprenticeship opportunities we currently have.

An apprenticeship with Mama Bears is a fantastic opportunity to learn from the best and achieve Level 3 Childcare qualifications. 

Achieving this qualification demonstrates that a person has the necessary skills and knowledge to provide excellent care to young children with an opportunity to continue to advance their careers in early childhood education. It is an invaluable asset to anyone seeking success in the childcare sector. 

Childcare Level 3 Qualification

Obtaining a Level 3 childcare qualification in the UK is an excellent choice for many reasons: 

It enhances your employability within the childcare sector by providing you with an edge over other people seeking employment who may not have advanced qualifications, or any at all. 

By earning a Level 3 qualification in Childcare, you increase your chances of securing a rewarding and fulfilling position that requires specialised knowledge and expertise. 

In summary, having a higher-level certification demonstrates your dedication towards childcare excellence which ultimately leads to opportunities you could otherwise miss out on.

Achieving a Level 3 childcare qualification in the UK can open up many opportunities for advancement within the industry. With experience with a trusted nursery and daycare provider like Mamam Bears, you will be highly sought after and never without a job. 

You may then be eligible to apply for higher-level roles such as management positions or other senior-level jobs that require specific qualifications. Without these, it is often not possible to pursue these types of career opportunities. If you are looking at the career you want now which has future career growth options consider investing in your education now with a Level 3 childcare qualification. 

Childcare Qualification - Level 3 Content

Childcare and Education (Early Years Educator) Level 3 is equivalent to a diploma. This qualification includes various topics related to early childhood development and care. With this certification, individuals can gain knowledge on how best to support young children's growth during their formative years. The course covers everything from creating safe environments for playtime activities that promote cognitive skills like problem-solving or language acquisition. Additionally, the program provides insight into social-emotional learning which helps educators understand how important it is for kids to develop empathy and self-regulation abilities at an early age. By completing a level three childcare qualification you will gain valuable expertise in caring for young children while also contributing positively towards shaping their future success.

The content covered by Level 3 childcare qualifications in the UK can vary depending on which awarding body is providing it. Modules include topics that cover the early years curriculum, such as communication, health & safety measures for children's well-being along nutrition guidelines while also focusing on how best to support their learning processes through play activities or other means. Individuals who complete this level of training are then able to work as carers at various settings like nurseries, creches or after-school clubs where they can apply what they have learned from these courses effectively. The knowledge gained helps them provide better care for young children under their supervision while ensuring that all necessary precautions are taken towards maintaining a safe environment conducive to growth and development.

Getting a Level 3 Childcare Qualification

Childcare is an essential service that helps families thrive by providing children with the necessary care and attention during their formative years. To ensure this level of quality in UK childcare settings, those working within it must possess a minimum of Level 2, and  Level 3 qualifications or higher in some settings. This makes them highly sought-after professionals who are valued for their expertise and skillset. With these credentials, they can provide exceptional care to young children while also contributing positively towards society's overall well-being. 

In the UK obtaining level 3 childcare qualifications can be done through various channels. One option is studying online which offers flexibility in terms of time and pace but it will take longer to complete compared with traditional classroom settings offered by colleges or universities. You can also opt for full-time college or apprenticeships if you are looking for a full-time study option. An apprenticeship is a great way to obtain a qualification while getting hands-on experience and being paid. Whichever route you choose make sure that it leads towards accreditation from recognised bodies such as BTEC or City & Guilds for quality assurance purposes. This ensures that your efforts are worthwhile and will provide opportunities within this field upon completion.

BTECs are vocational qualifications that provide students with career-focused learning opportunities based on workplace settings. By studying subject areas within BTEC programs individuals acquire skills and knowledge which they can then apply in real-life situations. This approach allows for the practical application of learned concepts leading to greater success in future roles or further education.

The UK's childcare level 3 qualification offers a range of career paths for those who have completed it. You could work in nurseries, and primary schools or even establish your own business as a childminder. Additionally, this certification can serve as an important stepping stone towards becoming a qualified teacher and early years practitioner later down the line. To determine whether it's suitable for you consider factors such as personal interests goals education background etc before making any decisions about pursuing it further.

The Level 3 Childcare qualification is an excellent choice for individuals seeking to build a career in child care. The program provides comprehensive training that equips holders with the necessary skills and knowledge required to provide exceptional care for children up until their fifth birthday or when they start school. With this certification, you'll be well-positioned for success as a professional carer or educator.

When it comes to childcare in nursery schools the level of expertise among staff members is crucial for ensuring optimal developmental outcomes and proper care. This is why qualifying for Level 3 or higher can be so beneficial both personally and professionally. With this individuals are more likely to receive better salaries as well as improved job prospects within early years education settings such as becoming an Early Years Practitioner, Manager, Childminder, Nanny/Au Pair or Special Educational Needs Coordinator. Moreover holding such certifications opens up opportunities for further study towards Higher Education qualifications too. If you're looking into pursuing any career related to working with young children contact us at Mama Bears today.

Childcare is a rewarding career path that offers numerous opportunities for growth and advancement. One way to progress within this field is by taking on management or coaching roles after obtaining higher-level qualifications such as those at Level 3 and above. 

What are the Different Levels of Childcare Qualifications?

The Level 3 Childcare Qualification is a high-level qualification that enables individuals to work in professional capacities with children. There are several key differences between the Level 2 and Level 3 childcare qualifications in the UK. Firstly; The diploma-level coursework required for attaining the Level 3 higher-level certification necessitates more extensive study than Level 2 which means students must develop their theoretical knowledge further through rigorous academic assignments. This results in a greater depth of understanding of how best practices can be applied when working with young people who require specialised support services.

The possession of a Level 3 qualification in childcare signifies an individual's dedication towards working with children and providing high-quality care. As such these professionals are highly sought after by employers seeking qualified personnel for their early years sector operations. Anyone who holds this qualification often progresses to management or leadership roles within the industry due to the high level of competence and expertise required at every stage of development. With proper training along with experience gained from various educational programs related to childhood education, you can make significant contributions as a leader within the sector while also making meaningful impacts on society's future generations through effective teaching methods that promote learning and development essential for success later in life.

The completion time for a Level 3 in childcare varies depending on different factors such as the individual's prior knowledge and experience and how long they spend in on-the-job training versus college. It can take anywhere from 12 months to 3 years or more depending on the level of qualification being taken. Always take into account these variables when considering enrolling in the qualification and understand the different learning options available. 

In the UK completing a Level 3 childcare qualification typically takes between eighteen months to two years. However, this timeline will vary depending on which institution you choose and whether or not you are studying full-time or part-time. Keep these factors in mind when considering your options.

Achieving a Level 3 childcare qualification offers several benefits. These include improved job prospects, higher salary potential and greater knowledge of best practices in the childcare field. It is an investment worth making for those who want to excel as early years educators or carers.

The UK requires childcare professionals to hold a Level 3 qualification for good reason, it provides essential skills and knowledge needed when working with children. This certification also holds significant weight among employers who value its merits highly; thus giving you an edge over other applicants seeking similar positions in this field. Earning a Level 3 childcare qualification can lead towards improved job satisfaction levels along with increased confidence at work while boosting your overall income potential as well. So why wait, consider your options of working with Mama Bears Day Nurseries today and find out more here

About Mama Bears Day Nurseries in the South West

We are committed to providing exceptional care for children between the ages of 3 months and when they start school. Our care includes educational programs that promote learning and growth while also addressing physical and emotional needs through supportive measures aimed at promoting overall well-being and socialisation in children. 

Mama Bears Aims and Objectives?

Our goal is to serve as a link between home and school by providing the highest quality childcare and education for babies, toddlers, and preschool children from the age of three months until they start reception at school.

We provide a welcoming, clean, comfortable, and safe environment that children will find stimulating and challenging. At all our Mama Bear's nurseries enjoyment and fun are intertwined with discovery, development, and education. Our teams and individual staff members are all sensitive and responsive to each child's individual needs.

Our Commitments

  • Our mission is to provide a service that surpasses expectations and enhances the quality of life for every child we care for 
  • We are committed to continually improving our offerings so that each child can reach their full potential
  • We recognise that each child has unique requirements and treat them accordingly. This approach helps us provide personalised care for their individual needs
  • We prioritise ensuring that our service adheres to the most recent standards for care and education and are always looking for ways in which we can continuously improve our care, policies and procedures
  • We take the safety and security of the children in our care very seriously and are always looking for ways in which these can be improved 
  • We take pride in providing high-quality services that meet and exceed industry benchmarks
  • We ensure that our staff are selected, recruited and trained in line with our policies and procedures to meet the needs of the children in our care
  • We proactively manage our care services efficiently and effectively
  • We take pride in and value the partnerships we have with parents/guardians/carers
  • We support and develop staff members through ongoing training and individual development plans. This approach enables us to cultivate a dynamic workforce that is always striving for excellence
  • Teamwork and support are at the heart of all of our nurseries

Mama Bears' team of experienced childcare practitioners undergo extensive training in early years education as mandated by UK regulations. This ensures that they meet all necessary qualifications required for their role. With this rigorous preparation Mama Bears staff are equipped to provide exceptional care and support for your child(ren).

Mama Bears Day Nursery places the utmost importance on providing exceptional care for the children in their care. Our focus is always on giving them a strong foundation in life with our high-quality and in-depth care and development. You can trust us to provide only the best possible start for your little one.

We prioritise the number of qualified staff at different levels within our settings to cater for each child's unique developmental needs and to ensure their safety. These regulations are outlined in detail by the early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework. Our commitment ensures that every child receives a personalised care plan tailored for them.

As a trusted childcare provider in the South West for over 20 years, we prioritise recruiting staff with the necessary qualifications to meet required ratios including having at least one employee trained in paediatric first aid in all our nurseries. All our teams have ongoing training plans and we take pride in providing outstanding care for children while ensuring their safety and well-being are never compromised. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our diligent approach towards recruiting skilled professionals who share our passion for quality caregiving.

Why Choose Mama Bears Nursery?

Our teams consist of highly qualified and experienced childcare professionals who hold a minimum Level 2 childcare certification. 

We take pride in our expertise and commitment towards providing exceptional care for every child we care for. 

Our priority is always their happiness and development while they are with us and you will see this reflected in all our nurseries. 

You can rest assured that we will provide them with an environment where they feel safe, loved and cared for at all times. 

We offer exceptional childcare services in the South West that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each family. Our independent nurseries have been providing professional care for years with outstanding results for many years.

Our nurseries offer convenient parking options that make dropping off and picking up your child safe and hassle-free.

We accept all major Childcare Vouchers

We offer childcare places for funded childcare places

We are open Monday to Friday, 7.30 am - 6.00 pm (Except on Bank Holidays) and Christmas when we close on Christmas Eve through to 2nd January.

Our daycare services are designed for children aged 3 months through to when they start school. 

We offer both full and part-time options to suit your needs. 

Our team is dedicated to providing a safe, secure, and nurturing environment where children can learn grow and thrive under our care. 

Our childcare services are transparent and affordable with no hidden costs or extras. You can expect exceptional care for your little ones.

Included in the nursery fees are meals; breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Our outdoor play areas are spacious, well-equipped and enjoyed by children of all ages. They provide ample opportunities for fun activities that promote physical development while fostering and developing social skills. 

Our commitment to providing a safe environment ensures that every child can enjoy themselves without worrying about safety concerns. We take pride in creating an inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels welcome.

We invite you to visit our Outstanding Day Nurseries in the South West and experience firsthand what sets us apart from other childcare providers and meet our team members who are passionate about providing exceptional care for children.

If you are interested in childcare, please contact us today and we can answer any questions you have, or schedule a nursery visit for you. We look forward to welcoming you soon.

Are you interested in pursuing a career as a childcare professional, or already hold a Level 3 Childcare qualification? Contact us today to explore potential opportunities, we would love to speak to you and welcome you to our Mama Bears team. 

We have nurseries located in: 


Clifton - Whiteladies Road

Tel: 0117 970 6751


Fishponds - Thicket Avenue

Tel: 0117 965 5096


Whitchurch Pre-school - Bristol Road

Tel: 01275 838 510


Shirehampton - Grove Leaze

Tel: 0117 982 3345


Totterdown - The Bush, Wells Road

Tel: 0117 980 3596


Speedwell - Whiteway Road

Tel: 0117 960 6461


Downend - Stanbridge Road

Tel: 0117 957 5152



Taunton - Wellington Road

Tel: 01823 276 261


Bridgwater - Express Park

Tel: 01278 44 55 89


Yeovil - Abbey Manor Park

Tel: 01935 433 347



Paignton - Long Road

Tel: 01803 540 578


Plymouth - Pennycross

Tel: 01752 77 66 33


Paignton - Midvale Road

Tel: 01803 520 620


Torquay - Barewell Road

Tel: 01803 316 511


Plymouth- Fortview, Crownhill

Tel: 01752 782 552


Head Office

Tel: 0117 9582030